Vocabulary Knowledge

Body-Part Vocabulary Cards

Learning about body-parts can begin with first learning the words for a core group of body-parts. Use the Body-Part Vocabulary Set of our Vocabulary Flashcards to teach your students vocabulary words for this topic.


Flashcards: Body-Parts


Relevant ESL Flashcards



Phonics & Reading Skills

Phonics Matching Tiles

A great option for simultaneously developing phonics skills while improving animal vocabulary recall is to utilize our set of 24 body-part Word Tiles.

This activity involves matching Phonics Sound Tiles to the sides of various Word Tiles. For example, a student would complete the 'lip' Word Tile by matching a 'l' Sound Tile to the left side of the Word Tile, a 'p' Sound Tile to the right side, and an 'i' Sound Tile to the bottom.

Phonics Matching Tiles can be used for a variety of teaching demonstrations and various practice activities and friendly competitions. The set of 25 body-part tiles has its own individual downloadable print file.


Phonics Matching Tiles Preview

Phonics Tile Matching



Speaking Activities & Games

Body-Part Monster Cards (Deduction Game)

The Body-Part Monsters Card Game is a fantastic way to practice body-part vocabulary. The wide variety of combinations of different body-parts on each monster ensures that students will be able to make repeated use of all of their core body-part vocabulary knowledge.

Played in partner-pairs of two, participants take turns being either the asker and the answerer. The answerer draws a single card from a set of 18 cards (but keeps it secret), while the asker lays out an identical set of 18 cards in front of them. The asker then needs ask a series of simple questions to deduce which of the 18 cards in front of them matches the "secret card" held by the answerer.

The sentence pattern "Does the monster have any _________________?" is used by the asker in this game, with different body-parts being systematically inserted into the blank. After using this sentence pattern to ask a question, based on the answerer's response, the asker can flip any cards that CAN'T be a match to the "secret card" face-down, until only one monster card remains face up.


Body-Part Monster Cards Preview



Activity Type: Deduction Card Games

Monster Body-Part Tiles (Deduction Game)

The Monster Body-Part Tile Game is another approach to providing body-part vocabulary practice. The 20 printable Monster Body-Part Tiles can be combined into many different monsters.

Played in partner-pairs of two, participants take turns being either the asker and the answerer. The answerer draws a single card from a set of 18 cards (but keeps it secret), while the asker lays out the 20 Monster Body-Part Tiles in front of them. The asker then needs ask a series of simple questions to deduce which of the tiles in front of them can be combined to create a monster that matches the "secret card" held by the answerer.

The sentence pattern "Does the monster have any _________________?" is used by the asker in this game, with different body-parts being systematically inserted into the blank. After using this sentence pattern to ask a question, based on the answerer's response, the asker can flip any tiles that CAN'T be part of the monster depicted on the "secret card," until only four monster tiles remains face up, one for each corner of the monster.


Monster Body-Part Tiles Preview


Activity Type: Tile-Based Games

Robot Cut-&-Glue Game

The Robot Cut-&-Glue Game includes repeated use of the words "arm," "head," and legs." Although not optimal as the core activity for a unit on Body-Parts, as it only makes use of three body-part vocabulary words, this activity is an excellent one to use in a later activity about prepositional phrases like "on top of" and "on the left side of," as an opportunity to learn to review so past vocabulary words, while learning some new content.


Robot Cut-&-Glue Printables Preview


Cut-&-Glue Activity Kit