About This Activity Type
Overview Survey-Taking Sheets allow students to collect information from different people or about different individuals/characters. The information can vary to data provided by the teacher with a separate reasons or participants could collect opinions from a variety of people and use them to fill in the available spaces on the survey sheet. |
Methodological Background Survey-taking activities can be either are an information-gap activity or an opinion-gap activity. Both are activity types that are part of the task-based language teaching (TBLT) methodology. These activities allow teachers and students to engage in a variety of forms of back-and-forth verbal communication, collecting and/or exchanging information. |
What Do They Like? (Animal Colors)
This activity allows students to practice using their color and animal vocabulary knowledge, while utilizing simple question & answer sentence patterns. The survey sheets all include a random selection 6 animals, and space to record if they like or dislike 6 different colors.
This activity is an information-gap activity. While the opinions/preferences of the animal characters are communicated, the function of the activity is collect the information recorded on the "answer sheet."
The "answer sheet" provides the information about every animal's color preferences. One or more answer sheets can be held by the teacher or by one or more students, who will take the role of answerer, while every participant with a "survey sheet" takes the role of asker.
Answer Page With All
Two Half-Page Survey Sheets
Two Half-Page Survey Sheets
Two Half-Page Survey Sheets
The recommended sentence patterns for this activity are as follows:
Asker: "Does the alligator like ___________(insert color)?"
Answerer: "Yes, the alligator likes ___________(insert color)." / "No, the alligator doesn't like ___________(insert color)."
The survey sheets are designed for one-time-use, so to reduce costs, they are designed for black-&-white printing. The 6 color circles at the top will need to be colored in manually, which can be done with crayons or colored pencils. To make it easier for students to check their work against the answer sheet, the color circles should always be colored in the following order from left-to-right: black, blue, green, red, white, yellow.
Shape Opinions
This set of materials allows for opinions to be gathered and recorded about how many of a variety of shapes appear in a collection of different images.
This activity is an example of an opinion-gap activity. Students will be able to explore the concept of different people having different opinions and, if their speaking skills are sufficient, even discuss why different people had different opinion about specific images.
4 Survey Viewing Cards
Survey Sheet for 'Bus'
Survey Sheet for 'Boat'
Survey Sheet for 'Car'
For this activity, each surveyee should be handed a "viewing card" (so that they can't see any previously recorded opinions on the survey sheet) and then asked how many squares/triangles/rectangles/circles/ovals/etc they see in the image on the "viewing card."
The surveyer should collect the opinions about shape quantity from several surveyees and then compare the survey results and determine if there is any consensus in the results.