About This Activity


The Animal Colors Survey is part of a series of survey-taking activities called "What Do They Like?" These surveys are perfect for beginners, as they provide a helpful structure for simple speaking practice.

Students can play this game after memorizing as few as 11 vocabulary words.

There are currently 12 survey-taking sheets available. Each survey has a different mix of animals. All of the answers for all 12 survey-taking sheets come from the same one Answers Sheet. 


Activity Presentation Phase Instructions


Survey Form Sheet Example

Two Survey Forms (2 per Page)


Animal Colors - Answers Sheet

Activity Answers Sheet



Download Game Materials



How To Play

Groups: This activity can either be done in pairs or in groups.

If done in pairs, one participant in each pair. will be the asker and the other will be the answerer. The asker should be given a copy of the Answers Sheet and the answerer should be given a Survey-Taking Form.

If done with a group of 3 or more participants, give Answer Sheets to 1 or more participants (answerers) and give Survey-Taking Forms to everyone else (askers).

Materials: At least 1 copy of the Answer Sheet and at least 1 Survey-Taking Form

Time / Game Round: 3-15 minutes


  • Participants with Survey-Taking Forms should use the following sentence structure to collect information from participants with a copy of the Answers Sheet.

    "Does the _________________ like _________________?"
  • An animals name should be inserted into the first blank and a color into the second blank.

    Example: "Does the elephant like blue?"

  • The answer should respond with either "yes" or "no," based on the information on the Answers Sheet. However, the Answers Sheet should never be shown to the askers.
  • The activity continues until all askers have completed their Survey-Taking Form by indicating with a writing utensil (pencil, pen, crayon, etc) whether each animal on their form likes or dislikes each of the six colors listed.


How To Play




Words to Learn Before Playing

The Core Vocabulary Words listed below are all words that students should learn BEFORE playing this game. There is currently only one set of cards for this activity.


Vocabulary Words Used in Activity
What Do They Like?
(Animal Colors)
alligator, ant, bear, bird, black, blue, cat, dog, duck, elephant, fish, green, horse, kangaroo, lion, monkey, mouse, octopus, rabbit, red, turtle, white, yellow



Words to Learn While Playing

The following words will be used to the play this game (with every available set of cards). However, these words don't need to be pre-taught. These words can and should be learned WHILE playing the game.


Vocabulary Best Learned In Context
Used With All Sets does, the, like, no, yes



Sentence Patterns to Use While Playing

The following sentences and sentence patterns are recommended for use while playing this game. The best way to teach these sentences, is to use them in context while introducing the game and demonstrating how to play it.


Standard Sentences and Sentence Patterns
Do the _________________ like _________________?
Yes. / No.